Make the Change – Be Extraordinary

I was ready to move on, not place but career, try something new, but I didn’t know what So I stayed, oh I moved around, tried different places but the same career It still didn’t satisfy me. After the initial excitement of the move, different place, different people, I settled back into the groove All became ordinary again and still I wanted to try something new, but I didn’t know…

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EXTRAORDINARY — It’s impossible until it’s not!

Extraordinary is a journey, not a destination. As I consider the years of practice, the accomplishments I realise that all that I did was Extraordinary —Until it became common place and then ordinary As we accomplish we go from not knowing how to — Extraordinary To achieving it where Extraordinary becomes ordinary Do we dwell here or go further The Extraordinary journey is to never just accept the ordinary and…

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Toxic Bite — Toxic Life

The last 18 years have been somewhat of a whirlwind, this year totally so. It only seems like yesterday that Phillip Day of Credence Publications asked me whether I would like to write a book on all things toxic in dentistry. The result — “Toxic Bite an investigation into truth decay!” I jumped at the chance. It gave me the opportunity to write about what I considered important at the…

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Finding the balance — It’s not all about the job!

Not enough patients to fill the day Not enough time to see all the patients Not enough income for the time spent Increasing Time to increase income No matter how passionate we are about our profession there is a reality that we can’t ignore. As a one person show there is a ceiling to our income, a price point the patient is prepared to pay for our services and the…

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Look Up

If you feel your mind is racing right now — You’re absolutely not alone There is so much uncertainly in the world, lockdown, open up, lockdown again Doesn’t seem like anyone can get it right. Amongst all this we still have to carry on — The secure jobs have gone — Dreams shelved Uncertainty reigns and a desire for security heightens. In fact it would seem that we are oscillating…

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Dental Misfit – All in, All out, Unsure

"You don’t look like a dentist!" "Really?" - What’s a dentist meant to look like? Can’t think how many times I’ve heard that line Makes you wonder though doesn’t it — Am I a fit — Are you a fit? Was it the right choice — Maybe yes, Maybe no, Maybe unsure But it happened and dentistry became my life and yours! For some that’s great, others a nightmare and…

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Why do we get caught up in the small stuff Why do we let our attention be drawn to things of no consequence Is it laziness that directs us to the easy option Or lack of discipline that prevents us getting on with the job Is it the incessant scrolling that numbs the brain or hours of telly Is it envy of others that prevents us moving forwards Or self…

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Rush Hour??? There must be more to life than this

Life slowed down there for a while — It had to But now — For many it’s returning to some semblance of normal Many are reported  preferring to work from home than have the commute Others just wish they had a choice to do something different The Eternal Question emerges… Surely there must be more to life than this? Have you ever asked yourself that question? I know I have…

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The Call

Staring, blank mind, seeing all around but not taking it in. Hour after hour just trying to decide what to do — Nothing comes The day goes by to be replaced by another — Much the same — The blank stare Is this depression — burnout — Just not really caring anymore Feeling nothing, staring, glazed over, no enthusiasm for anything Is this all there is to life — time…

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The London Syndrome

It seems like a lifetime ago now and I suppose for many it is. Back in about 1985 I started treating headaches I was amazed at how many people got theirs over the weekend AND Not caused by alcohol — They’d be fine all week Then Saturday morning they’d wake with a corker — Bed ridden, darkened room, day wasted Sunday time to recuperate Monday back to work — Only…

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