For The Sake of Our Children

It seems to me that as we try and solve one problem we create another. I had a tutor years ago and he would start every seminar with — “ What I am telling you now I may not agree with five years from now!”  Of course I hoped he was joking as I was truly invested in the program and what I wanted to achieve for my patients. Everyone…

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Long in the Tooth

One of the great things about having parents, is that you can watch what they do, learn by their mistakes and then, either choose to repeat them or go in a different direction. Well dentistry can be like this too. We can learn from our elders, choose to repeat their mistakes or adopt their successes. Along the way, we realise that dental school equips us for the job but can’t…

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No Eye Has Seen, No Ear Has Heard

  Today I read a facebook post about a seven year old boy with Migraines. He had been treated with propranolol for 3 months and was now totally disinterested in food, also the migraines hadn’t improved. This bothered me enough to write this short post. According to the Migraine Trust: “There is no actual test to diagnose migraine. Diagnosis will depend upon your doctor taking your medical history and ruling…

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I was shocked to see in the press, that eight babies are born a day with Congenital Heart Disease (CHD). Childhood heart disease, otherwise known as CHD or congenital heart disease, remains one of the most misunderstood and misrepresented health related issues in Australia. Basically we don’t really know what is causing it. With this having been said, there is research that points towards a potential causal relationship. Research on…


A Balanced Approach

What can I tell you about my approach to health and the links between general wellbeing and dental health? It is interesting to think that for so long we have separated the mouth from the rest of the body without fully realising its impact on the rest of the system. Told to keep our teeth clean, reduce sugar intake to prevent tooth decay we have essentially ignored the links between,…

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Add On’s

Let’s face it, it’s getting more difficult to earn a good living in practice. Practitioners are cutting prices, offering discounts, anything they can think of for getting more people through the doors. It’s getting crazy out there at a graduate level with more qualifying than are retiring, the percentage of patients per practitioner is going down. You can follow the trend or go in a couple of different directions. You…

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Higher Dentistry

By raising your level of awareness you can practice a higher level of dentistry, Rise above the competition. The results: Increased job satisfaction More complete work life balance Patient appreciation Personal understanding and recognition Whole team involvement in the pursuit of your Purpose … (WHY) Organic increase in the bottom line - You get paid more! Friends!!! Stop focusing on the problem, focus on the solution. Financial issues, marriage problems,…

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What makes you different

It has been one of my desires to share my knowledge with colleagues who have eyes to see and ears to hear. One of them, a young lady dentist who has taken on the challenge, wanted to know what made her different. I share this in a blog because I feel that it applies not just to dentistry, but to life. In my reply I wrote: It’s not the way…

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New Beginnings

Is what you are doing making you sick or causing you pain! What is your pain and what are you going to do about it? This article is not to trivialise sickness and disease. It is not written in an attempt to minimise the vast impact of health challenges on our nations, nor is it written as medical advice. Rather it is penned to help you reflect on your life…

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This Year, Next Year, Sometime, Never

We’re coming into Christmas. Everything slows as we approach the end of the year. Here in Australia it’s hot and people take off to the beach for their summer vacation. Nothing really happens until after Australia Day, then with a return to school, parents back at their jobs, February comes and goes in a haze. It’s a short month anyway, so why not focus on March. We’re into the third…

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