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What 45 years in Dentistry has taught me about stress — Not what you think!

I have agonised, debated with myself, fought through the ups and downs

I have questioned myself so many times  — What do I have to say that’s different — Why me

I have compared myself with others, worried over treatments —Did I get it right

Could I have done better — What if I’m wrong — What if I’m not good enough

And then a comment — Simple but powerful

Dr Bill I’ve spoken to your patients and they say

‘Ah Dr Bill he looks right at you — He’s sees through you and touches your very soul’

And in that moment I realised — It really is time to share

One patient wrote this to me…

‘You are so much more than my dentist, you have been a beautiful human and supportive friend’

Another wrote…

‘To me you were more than a dentist — Just a plain lovely human being.’

How humbling, how gratifying, how amazing that people saw this in me

It is this approach that I want to share

 What do I see, what do I hear, how do I touch — What is the difference that makes the difference

What’s the WOW Factor

We are all on a journey — We see the path — We know our skill set 

We have been taught to diagnose and treat — think on the go and react

Yet there is more —These are not just teeth, not just patients these are people

Each with their own story to tell — Some are simple and we breeze through with them


Others are in pain beyond dental — Have witnessed life in unimaginable ways

They are stressed, hurting, burnt out — Many suffering persistent chronic pain

Fatigued, sleepless, worn out and in need of support

We have our part to play in all of this — AND —If you are willing

I would love to share the part that you can play

Not for my ego or to be clever

But in the hope that what I have to share will impact your patients/clients and your career

That they will say of you — He/She sees right through me and touches my soul

He/She has made a difference in my life

‘To me you were more than a dentist — Just a plain lovely human being.’

And you can say — I lived a life of significance — I did what I was called to do

And I too have left a legacy for future generations

As it is my hope that I will do for you.

Is it all easy, absolutely not — BUT — As Scott Peck said:

‘Life is difficult — This is a great truth because once we see it we can transcend it

Once we truly know that life is difficult, once we truly understand and accept it

Then life is no longer difficult.’

Our job is to take the difficult, make it simple and treat the simple — HOW?

Join me and find out.