The Way of the Gatekeeper

“As a staff or sheepdog would keep the sheep together from straying, so the role of gatekeeper is the same. He is responsible to oversee the people, gently guide the drifter back and keep those on the threshold of evil paths from taking another step in the wrong direction.” We ignore the gateway to our peril. Though it is the pathway into the temple, we neglect it, allowing the weeds…

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Tightrope Walking — Eggs Basket!

Of all the things that I thought would stop us working, a pandemic certainly wasn’t one. War, injury, sickness, burnout certainly crossed my mind but a pandemic, who would have thought. That even as an essential service our wings would be clipped to such an extent that many of us have just had to close down. Now I realise that we have been walking a tightrope, believing that our jobs…

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After The Storm 2. – Will you be flying high?

As I sit here wondering what to do Wondering when the storm will pass as it surely must Wondering whether life will be the same or different Wondering whether I want it to be the same or different I realise that I want different. When we are on the treadmill the things we wish to do, so often we don’t do Replaced by the necessary, the fundamentals, the must do’s,…

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After the Storm

I wrote this post a few days ago, just before what I wrote became a reality… SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST “Imagine that you had to stay at home Going to work no longer an option, jobs shut down, offices closed, no pay! We are living with that possibility — Right Now! Would you survive? Stuck at home could you work? Have you ever thought about it, perhaps even dreamed about…

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REALLY – After all these years – People still don’t get it?

Just yesterday I was involved in a conversation with another dentist and staff where I was reminded that many people view dentistry as drill and fill. To be fair this is a very real part of the job but it is by no means all of it. Today I was reminded once again of the view that many have of dentistry when a health based company could not see the…

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Why Worry?

I woke at four this morning which is early even for me. I wasn’t woken by worry, rather the voice in my head that said “Do not worry.” Half asleep, half awake I mulled over the voice.  I thought back to a scripture that I received when I went to boarding school at the age of ten “Fear not neither be thou dismayed for the Lord thy God is with…

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Burnout — Running on Empty

It’s already Boxing Day. The festivities are over, the hectic last minute shopping, wrapping, decorating and cooking — Done.  Now somehow it all feels empty. Family are asleep or gone home! The fun of the last few days leaves a hiatus —And — A time to think, to reflect on the last year To look forward to the year ahead — But — There’s an emptiness and isolation. Last year…

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Stress and Dentistry

They didn’t tell us about the stress when we entered dental school.  At least they didn’t tell me. No one said are you absolutely sure this is for you? How would I have known, I didn’t know what I was getting myself into Had I have known the problems we face would I have chosen differently. Probably On reflection, I enjoy the outside, open spaces, love to travel, A changes…

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Late Bloomers

Why do people associate dentistry with suicide. At parties, social gatherings, meetings, people ask you what you do and you reply “Oh I’m a dentist.”  They happily volunteer —  “Isn’t that the profession with the highest level of suicide?”  I almost believed them, after all it has been going on in my life for over 40 years.  I know we suffer,  stress, depression and burnout but it would appear that…

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Dentistry AND — Initiative

  “When I were a lad,” —  Dentists drove Rolls Royce or Bentley!  They can still do so but most don’t!  — Get me a Mazda or a Toyota it does the same job! Of course if you’re into making an impression there’s always room for the  Porche, BMW or Mercedes and with the right terms why not? But there’s a catch  “Dentistry is a physically demanding profession; many practitioners…

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