Today I saw a man who hasn’t worked in eight weeks he was down not out
Last week I met a man going through divorce and great adversity he too was down not out
Both while down, were optimistic for the future, whatever it might hold
But that’s not always the way
Recently I chatted with a man who was down, I mean down, no way back down!
Given up down.
No hope for the future, no vision, no direction, no dream – Utterly spent down
He had worked hard, many years in the same job but it’s gone
Many years in the same marriage but it’s gone
Many years bringing up his children on his own, now they’re gone
Alone, dejected and down. Where’s the hope, where’s the future
Of an age where employment is hard to find, an age where younger seems better
Experience counts for little and he was down, down and out.
We talked — Is there a way back, did he want a way back, was he prepared to rise up
Face the reality of his situation and climb above it — We talked, we listened, I explained
Up not down, options not requirements, open not closed
He was prepared, he just didn’t know there was an option, nobody gave him the time
Or — The hand of hope!
No one explained just how he could climb back out — But he can.
Now he’s down not out — Soon he’ll be out not down
Then he will be revived, rebuilt and restored.
The future is exciting if you’re prepared to look — He is.