Chill Out
If you’ve ever wondered how dentistry fits into the human condition then this is a must read. It looks at Selye’s model of stress and how the teeth and jaws factor into total health. This book pulls it all together, allowing the reader to decide who to go to for advice and how to choose a path of treatment that is multidisciplinary and applicable to the individual. It also opens people’s eyes to just what dentistry is capable of offering. If you get headaches, neck and back pain, facial pain, then this is for you…

Out Of Order
According to research, 92% of men do not attend the doctor when they first feel sick, preferring to wait a few days just to make sure. Not a great idea but typically male. This book takes a look at the health challenges that men have to deal with. It is written through the eyes of a fictional rugby player down on his luck and struggling with his sexual prowess. This book is not just for men, the information is important for all looking to promote personal health or encourage a loved one who is struggling with issues. Light hearted? Of course, Dr Bill style…

Toxic Bite (e-book)
First published by Credence Publications, now out as an e-book. Everyone goes to the dentist. But how many of us are aware that a problem in the mouth can lead to serious, life threatening problems in the body. Clinical integrity is the mainstay of clinical practice. Keep an open mind as you read through some interesting research on a variety of dental procedures. Please be aware that your dentist is the one qualified to help you, all this book does is pose some questions and give insight into just how much dentistry can help you…

Peter, Petunia and the Tooth Fairy
“This is a book for your children and hopefully of great interest for you. Predominantly written as a bedtime story to encourage your children to brush their teeth, it is also aimed at you the parent, grand parent, relative or friend to explain the long term systemic affects of poor oral hygiene. No longer is it just about clean teeth and healthy gums, that’s for the children. It starts and ends with a message to you the adult, the bit in the middle is for you to read to your children. We owe it to the next generations to ensure that every endeavour is made to bring them up healthy and this includes the mouth…”